Advanced Standard Essential Patent (SEP) analytics
Providing you with market leading data to support your negotiations around rates.

Licensee, licensor or both?
Do you recognise any of these statements:
“My operating company uses connected technologies and I do not own any SEPs. I have received an approach from a company that says they own a number of SEPs. What is my exposure, and what does that translate to in our P&L?”
"My company uses connected technologies and owns SEPs. I want other operating companies to take a license under my SEPs, but I also have to figure out how my proportion of SEPs compares to those of other SEP owners."
“My company owns SEPs and is not an operating company. The question for me is what is my proportion of the "SEP stack" and at which level I should set my rates to operating companies to take a license.”
Patently License with Questel provides a complete understanding of who owns what and where, so you can get to the right answers to these questions. Don’t forget, not all of the SEPs are truly essential, affecting how much you should pay and how much you should ask.
Patently License with Questel brings a powerful True Essentiality filter so you can focus on the ones that matter.