
Supercharged searching

Upgrade the way you find patents using advanced search functionalities like longform text filtering to get what you need.

Search with sentences, not keywords

We use the latest programming and machine learning algorithms to show patents that match your exact search.

Search with sentences, not keywords

We use the latest programming and machine learning algorithms to show patents that match your exact search.

Search with sentences, not keywords

We use the latest programming and machine learning algorithms to show patents that match your exact search.

Search with sentences, not keywords

We use the latest programming and machine learning algorithms to show patents that match your exact search.

Filter by the things that matter

You can create complex combinations of filters to find what you are looking for. From priority or effective filing dates to assumed owners, families containing Standards Essential Patents or specific combinations of classifications.

Filter by the things that matter

You can create complex combinations of filters to find what you are looking for. From priority or effective filing dates to assumed owners, families containing Standards Essential Patents or specific combinations of classifications.

Filter by the things that matter

You can create complex combinations of filters to find what you are looking for. From priority or effective filing dates to assumed owners, families containing Standards Essential Patents or specific combinations of classifications.

Filter by the things that matter

You can create complex combinations of filters to find what you are looking for. From priority or effective filing dates to assumed owners, families containing Standards Essential Patents or specific combinations of classifications.

Gather from multiple sources

Collate, de-duplicate and assess results from patent searches in multiple software products. Do it in one place using our industry leading CSV upload system. Compatible with multiple different patent number formats it also finds any ambiguities, multiple matches or issues and highlights them to the user for clarification.

Gather from multiple sources

Collate, de-duplicate and assess results from patent searches in multiple software products. Do it in one place using our industry leading CSV upload system. Compatible with multiple different patent number formats it also finds any ambiguities, multiple matches or issues and highlights them to the user for clarification.

Gather from multiple sources

Collate, de-duplicate and assess results from patent searches in multiple software products. Do it in one place using our industry leading CSV upload system. Compatible with multiple different patent number formats it also finds any ambiguities, multiple matches or issues and highlights them to the user for clarification.

Gather from multiple sources

Collate, de-duplicate and assess results from patent searches in multiple software products. Do it in one place using our industry leading CSV upload system. Compatible with multiple different patent number formats it also finds any ambiguities, multiple matches or issues and highlights them to the user for clarification.

Enjoy searching, one invention at a time

Access a large database of patent information while seeing the most relevant information to your search.

Simplify that list

Work collaboratively to find families or assets of interest, mark for assessment, tag as high importance and comment.

Simplify that list

Work collaboratively to find families or assets of interest, mark for assessment, tag as high importance and comment.

Simplify that list

Work collaboratively to find families or assets of interest, mark for assessment, tag as high importance and comment.

Simplify that list

Work collaboratively to find families or assets of interest, mark for assessment, tag as high importance and comment.

Explore citations with ease

The industry leading Citation Explorer, visually explore across patent generations with full details of each family and context of how you found it.

Explore citations with ease

The industry leading Citation Explorer, visually explore across patent generations with full details of each family and context of how you found it.

Explore citations with ease

The industry leading Citation Explorer, visually explore across patent generations with full details of each family and context of how you found it.

Explore citations with ease

The industry leading Citation Explorer, visually explore across patent generations with full details of each family and context of how you found it.

Sort by what's important

Sort by everything from family size, or in force member count to forward citations or key dates.

Sort by what's important

Sort by everything from family size, or in force member count to forward citations or key dates.

Sort by what's important

Sort by everything from family size, or in force member count to forward citations or key dates.

Sort by what's important

Sort by everything from family size, or in force member count to forward citations or key dates.

Navigate with the C-Tree

Explore priority claims and relationships within a family visually, find particular assets of interest and understand their context.

Navigate with the C-Tree

Explore priority claims and relationships within a family visually, find particular assets of interest and understand their context.

Navigate with the C-Tree

Explore priority claims and relationships within a family visually, find particular assets of interest and understand their context.

Navigate with the C-Tree

Explore priority claims and relationships within a family visually, find particular assets of interest and understand their context.

“In the cutting-edge world of electrical testing, staying ahead of the curve is essential," says Stan. "Patently has become an indispensable tool for us, playing a crucial role in various aspects of our Research and Innovation processes.”

Stan Zurek, Head of Research and Innovation at Megger Instruments


Explore more features

Create – Coming soon

Create but simple

Introducing the world's first truly multimodal AI patent drafting assistant: Onardo. Craft accurate, comprehensive patent applications effectively with minimum effort.


Assess but simple

Unlock powerful insights with Patently Assess. Dive deep into patent families, identify connections, and navigate patent rights with unprecedented customisation.


Explore more features

Create – Coming soon

Create but simple

Introducing the world's first truly multimodal AI patent drafting assistant: Onardo. Craft accurate, comprehensive patent applications effectively with minimum effort.


Assess but simple

Unlock powerful insights with Patently Assess. Dive deep into patent families, identify connections, and navigate patent rights with unprecedented customisation.


Explore more features

Create – Coming soon

Create but simple

Introducing the world's first truly multimodal AI patent drafting assistant: Onardo. Craft accurate, comprehensive patent applications effectively with minimum effort.


Assess but simple

Unlock powerful insights with Patently Assess. Dive deep into patent families, identify connections, and navigate patent rights with unprecedented customisation.


Explore more features

Create – Coming soon

Create but simple

Introducing the world's first truly multimodal AI patent drafting assistant: Onardo. Craft accurate, comprehensive patent applications effectively with minimum effort.


Assess but simple

Unlock powerful insights with Patently Assess. Dive deep into patent families, identify connections, and navigate patent rights with unprecedented customisation.